the prime mover of inspiration is the blank during normal quiet breathing expiration is a passive process as this muscle relaxes into its original dome shape. provide conditions when expiration becomes an active process or forced. explain

Answer :


The prime agonist of inspiration is the diaphragm muscle.

The conditions when expiration becomes an active process is : Emphysema, Pneumonia, Bronchitis.

-Expiration is the passive process as there is elastic recoil of lungs following inspiration without contraction of any muscles.

-The elastic fibers in alveoli are damages or filled with mucus and fluid in the disease such as conditions such as emphysema or pneumonia.

-Elastic recoil of lungs.

-Hence, muscle contraction is required to forcefully exhale the air from lungs. Internal intercostal muscles contract to pull the ribs downward and remove air from the lungs.