Answer :
Following are the solution to the given question:
import java.util.Scanner;//import package
public class AscendingAndDescending//defining a class AscendingAndDescending
public static void main(String[] args) //main method
int n1,n2,n3,min,max,m;
Scanner in = new Scanner(;//creating Scanner class object
System.out.print("Enter an integer: ");//print message
n1 = in.nextInt();//input value
System.out.print("And another: ");//print message
n2 = in.nextInt();//input value
System.out.print("And just one more: ");//print message
n3 = in.nextInt();//input value
min = n1; //use min variable that holds value
max = n1; //use mix variable that holds value
if (n2 > max) max = n2;//use if to compare value and hols value in max variable
if (n3 > max) max = n3;//use if to compare value and hols value in max variable
if (n2 < min) min = n2;//use if to compare value and hols value in min variable
if (n3 < min) min = n3;//use if to compare value and hols value in min variable
m = (n1 + n2 + n3) - (min + max);//defining m variable that arrange value
System.out.println("Ascending: " + min + " " + m + " " + max);//print Ascending order value
System.out.println("Descending: " + max + " " + m + " " + min);//print Descending order value
Enter an integer: 8
And another: 9
And just one more: 7
Ascending: 7 8 9
Descending: 9 8 7
In this program inside the main method three integer variable "n1,n2, and n3" is declared that inputs value from the user end and also defines three variable "min, max, and m" that uses the conditional statement that checks inputs value and assigns value according to the ascending and descending order and prints its values.