Best Buy might use all of the methods of change listed below. Which of these includes inputs, strategic plans, target elements of change, and outputs?

Answer :


E)Systems model of change


These are the options for the question

A)Organizational structure plan

B) social factors method

C) Organizational arrangements

D)Three stage model of planned change

E)Systems model of change

Best Buy are known with selling of consumer electronics as well as a variety of related merchandise.

Systems model of change can be regarded as a model that focus on big picture perspective of change. The model is base on interaction that exist among the key components of change.

The Systems Model of Change can also known as Organization-Wide Change which focus on the fact that there must be implementation of a change organization-wide and not a implementation in piecemeal

Main components that made up of systems model of change are;

✓target elements of change


✓ strategic plans
