ROMARIOMCGHEEGO ROMARIOMCGHEEGO Computers and Technology Answered Write a python program that will accept monthly salary amounts greater than zero but lessthan or equal to 400,000.00 until the user enters the character ‘e’. After the userenters the character ‘e’, calculate the net pay of all salaries by deducting income tax ata rate of 25%, pension of 5% and housing contribution of 2% from each salaryentered. Additionally, print the number of salaries that were entered in the programalong with the number of salaries that exceed 300,000.00write a python programThe English alphabet has 26 letters starting from A and ending with Z. If we map thefirst 26 numbers i.e 1 through to 26 to each letter in the alphabet, we could encodemessages using numbers. For example, 123 could be represented as ‘ABC’ and 26 couldbe the letter ‘Z’. Write a program that accepts 10 integers from the user ranging from 1- 26. After accepting the values, the program should determine and print thecorresponding letters.