Answer :
Absolute reference is used especially to keep the value or content of a column or row constant.
Cell referencing is one common and important concept in spreadsheets. A cell reference or cell address is a value, mostly alphanumeric, used to identify a specific cell or cell range in a worksheet.
In spreadsheets such as that of Microsoft - excel - there are basically two types of referencing.
i. relative referencing
ii. absolute referencing
iii. mixed referencing
Relative reference is the default cell reference. When a relative reference is copied and pasted across multiple cells, it changes depending on its relative position. This type of reference is especially useful when there is a need to apply same formula across multiple rows or columns.
Absolute reference, on the other hand, will not change even though it is copied across multiple cells. It is used especially to keep the value or content of a column or row constant.
Mixed reference is a hybrid of the relative and absolute references.