What does Harrison Bergeron do that angers the government?

What Does Harrison Bergeron Do That Angers The Government class=

Answer :

Answer: He identifies himself as better than others.


Set in the year 2081, "Harrison Bergeron" (1961), by Kurt Vonnegut, first describes how Harrison Bergeron, a 14-year-old boy, is taken away by the government for having an above-average intelligence and looks, something that is prohibited in this dystopian society where everybody must be equal, meaning that those with above-average features are forced to limit their capacities through added handicaps, such as a radio implanted in people´s ears to hinder their thought process.

However, Harrison being taken is not a sign of the government being angry at him, because it´s a normal situation in this context. It´s when he escapes and declares himself Emperor, because he considers himself better than the rest, that the government gets angry, so the Handicapper General, Diana Moon Glampers, kills him.


