the bedroom is 18ft by 12ft by 8ft the room has 2 doors 3ft by 7 get and 3 window 3 ft by 4 ft windows and door don’t need painting a gallon of paint cover 300ft is 3 gallons of paint enough to cover the room?

Answer :


find total surface area (18*12)*2+ (18*8)*2+ (12*8)*2=     192 +288 432+288+192= 912

then subtract surface area of doors

(3*7)2=42   then subtract windows 3*5(3)=45 then subtract the floor 18*12=216

912-42-45-216= 609 sq ft  he should only need  2 and a small portion of a third to paint your room  i believe what his math must have been was 18*12*8=1728 then subtract -42-45-216 for the floor windows and doors to get 1425 and even then he underestimates with his inaccurate figures  

so first 609 sq ft  he should only need  2 and a small portion of a third to paint your room and 2 get a new painter bcus this guy cant math hope i helped if so give brainliest answer-J (:

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