Which of the following assignments should I choose. write ur views about the assignment which u would choose??

(a) Weather records: Maintaining and interpreting weather records as found in the newspaper for at least one
(b) Collection of data from secondary sources (Using Modern techniques, i.e., GPS, Remote Sensing, Aerial
Photography and Satellite imageries): Preparing a PowerPoint presentation on current issues like - use of
earth resources/development activities/dangers of development and ecological disasters like droughts,
earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, landslides, cyclones and tornadoes in the world.
(c) Physical Features: Collection of data from primary and secondary sources or taking photographs and
preparing notional sketches of features found in the vicinity or areas visited during the year as a part of
school activity.
(d) Find out the sources of pollution of water bodies in the locality and determine the quality of water.
(e) Collect information on global environmental issues and problems and communicate your findings through
appropriate modes (posters, charts, collages, cartoons handouts, essays, street plays and PowerPoint