Write a program in Java to input a letter. If it is an uppercase letter then

encode it by next 5th letter, otherwise encode it with 3rd previous letter in the

ASCII table.​

Answer :


The program is as follows:

import java.util.*;

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) {

 Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

 char chr;

 System.out.print("Input Character: ");

 chr = input.next().charAt(0);

 if(Character.isUpperCase(chr) == true){      chr+=5;  }

 else{      chr-=3;  }

 System.out.println("Encode Character: "+chr);




This declares the character

 char chr;

This prompts for input

 System.out.print("Input Character: ");

This gets the input from the user

 chr = input.next().charAt(0);

This checks for uppercase; if true, it is encoded by the next 5th

 if(Character.isUpperCase(chr) == true){      chr+=5;  }

If lowercase, it is encoded by the previous 3rd

 else{      chr-=3;  }

This prints the encoded character

 System.out.println("Encode Character: "+chr);