Answer :
Answer:Please find answers in explanation column
1.My goodness! The noise it makes before it takes off is deafening because it has to gather speed so it can get off the ground- This is a statement of disapproval concerning the deafening noise made by an aircraft therefore it will have a minus sign (-)
2. I'll take this ride anytime. It is big. It does not rock with the waves. Besides that, it is very comfortable just like a floating hotel. -This is a positive remark as the speaker expresses the features of a watercraft that makes riding pleasant and comfortable.So it will go with a plus mark (+)
3.Those smoke belching vehicles should be banned from the streets. They pollute the air. Moreover they endanger our health.-This is a negative statement made on the demerits of the vehicle on the environment , therefore, will have a a minus sign (-)
4.That power steering device makes driving very comfortable because the driver does not have to shift gears anymore. The machine helps him do it. --This should have a plus mark (+),since the speaker is talking about the merits of the power steering device which make driving comfortable
5.This is the fastest and cheapest way to travel. It's fast for it has its own tracks to run on, hence it does not get caught up in traffic-This is a positive statement for a type of transportation and so should get a plus mark (+)