Answer :
1. Rentre
2. Restes
3. Arrivons
4. Vont (alle)
Im pretty sure this is correct
The correct conjugation of the verbs in Passé Simple is:
- Je rentrai tard à la maison.
- Tu es resté à attendre dimanche.
- Nous arrivâmes allés à l'église.
- Pamela et Caroline sortirent ensemble dimanche.
- I came home late.
- You stayed to wait for Sunday.
- We arrived at the church.
- Pamela and Caroline dated Sunday.
Passé Simple.
This verb tense is used to mention events that occurred in the past (since the exercise refers to last Sunday) using the past form of the verb.
In each of the sentences, the noun used in each case was verified, the verb was conjugated appropriately based on the time and the noun, as well as the additional information provided in English was used to create a complement according to the meaning of the prayer.
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