Please define the word IMPARTIAL?

In a dispute, why might it be helpful to have an impartial third party decide who is right and who is wrong?

How do you make decisions? Do you have a step-by-step process in making decisions? Please explain your steps to making decisions?

Answer :

So Imapartial mean you treat your peers Fairly. here some examples....

Diana was being Impatial when she was distributing apple slices to her classmates.

Jacob was not Impartial when he was the group leader at the hiking trail.

impartial basically means there’s no bias. in a dispute, that would be helpful because they are more likely to make a fair decision and take more things into account. in making decisions, you have to consider who would be affected by that decision, what your desired outcome is, and the steps you have to take to reach that goal. i hope that helps :D