Answer :
Feudalism was a political and military system based on the holding of land. In feudalism, many people shared the same language and customs but were loyal to different lords. People did not think of themselves as English, French, or Spanish. It was not until nationalism developed that people began to think of themselves that way. With feudalism, people are loyal to a lord or noble. With nationalism, people are loyal to their country or nation. Nationalism began in Europe in the eleventh century when England became a nation. France soon followed. People in these new nations shared the same geographic boundaries. In addition, people in these new nations shared the same language and history. They also shared the same traditions. The nation became part of who a person was. When someone asked “Who are you?” a person could answer: “I am English” or “I am French.”
Answer: Feudalism declining.
Explanation: When feudalism declined, larger areas of land were controlled by more powerful individuals.