Answer :
See the explanation below.
a. Explain the concept of the voice of the customer (VOC).
Voice of the customer (VOC) can be described as a detailed process of collecting data on expectations, preferences, and aversions of a customer.
VOC means emphasizing the consumer, their opinions, experiences, and input about the brand of a company.
b. Why would a clear VOC process be important in the supplier to receiving organization relationship?
Voice of Customer process gives a company the opportunity to listen to each customer, act on their feedback, and analyze the data to improve operations. Therefore, the company would be able to avoid potential problems for future customers by being attentive and responsive, and it can obtain immediate benefit from customers who provide positive feedback.
The ability to measure a customer's experience at important touch points in real time is one of the key advantages of VOC process. Therefore, one of the best things a company can do is just ask its customers what they want and create a relationship from there.