1. He introduced new ideas in harmony and in form, including extremes of chromaticism? a. Franz Peter Schubert b. Giuseppe Verdi c. Giacomo Puccini d. Richard Wagner 2. It is a musical sequenc standing for a particular character/plot element. Elements b. Leitmotifs c. Motifs a. d. Plot twist 3. He belonged to a group of composers who stressed realism. Franz Peter Schubert b. Giuseppe Verdi c. Giacomo Puccini a. d. Richard Wagner 4. It is the German word for songs? Lieder b. Musica c. Poet d. Singer 5. His first opera "Oberto" was performed in La Scala, the most important opera house at the time? a. Franz Peter Schubert b. Giuseppe Verdi c. Giacomo Puccini d. Richard Wagner 6. His most famous opera is "Carmen? a. Georges Bizet b. Giacorno Puccini c. Giuseppe Verdi d. Richard Wagner 7. The following are the works of Wagner, except one? a. Tristan and Isolde b. Die Meistersinger c. Tannhäuser d. Parsifalle 8. He is considered the last of the Classical composers and one of the first romantic ones? a. Franz Peter Schubert b. Georges Bizet c. Giuseppe Verdi d. Richard Wagner 9. The following are the famous operas of Pucioni, except one? La Boheme b. Madame Butterfly c. Toscan d. Turandot 10. It is a music and literature were clearly evident in almost all forms of vocal music during the Roma a. Formality b. Parallelisms c. Romantism d. Vocalism 11. It is the highest female voice? Bass b. coloratura c. Soprano d. Tenor 12. Which of the following is also known as Ave Maria? a. Ellens Gesang All Gretchen am Spinnrade 6. Erikonig d. Unfinished Symphony 13. He is considered the last of the Classical composers and one of the first romantic ones? a. Franz Peter Schubert b. Georges Bizet c. Giacomo Puccini d. Giuseppe