A personnel psychologist studying adjustment to the job of new employees found a correlation of .3 between amount of education and rating by job supervisors 2 months later. The psychologist now plans to use the amount of education to predict supervisors’ later ratings. Indicate the independent/predictor variable, dependent/criterion variable, and beta. Write the Z-score prediction model; give the predicted Z-scores for supervisor ratings for employees with the amount of education Z-score of -1.5, -1, -.5

Answer :


the predictor variable is: amount of education

the criterion variable is: the Supervisors' rating

the beta is: .3

the Zy scores are -0.45, -0.3, 0.15

Step-by-step explanation:

r=beta which is the same; hence correlation equals regression

use this formula for the Z-scores

Zy= (beta) (Zx)

zy=(.3) (-1.5) = -0.45

(E) -1.5;




