1 Mosquitoes are more dangerous than sharks.
Brown eggs are healthier than white eggs.
3 The Earth is hotter than Mars.
4 Coffee is more popular than tea in the UK.
5 Tigers are better swimmers than cats.
An adult is shorter in the morning than in the evening.
7 White cars are safer than yellow cars.
The word 'yes' is more common than the word 'no'

Answer :


1. True. Mosquitos cause way more deaths than sharks do, because mosquitos transmit diseases like Malaria. This is also because shark attacks are extremely rare.

2. False. There is no nutritional difference between brown and white eggs.

3. True. Mars only reaches a temperature of about 68°F.

4. False. Tea is more popular than Coffee in the UK.

5. True. Tigers are much more agile in the water than domestic cats.

6. False. You can be taller in the morning than in the evening due to gravity compression.

7. True/false? Some studies have shown that yellow cars are safer than white cars, however overall most studies show that white cars are the safest color.

8. False. 'No' is more universally used (more common) than yes.


This took a long time to write.