An ecologist studying starfish populations collects the following data on randomly selected 1-meter by 1-meter plots on a rocky coastline
--The number of starfish in the plot
--The total weight of starfish in the plot
--The percentage of area in the plot that is covered by barnacles (food for starfish)
--Whether or not the plot is underwater midway between high and low tide
How many of these measurements can be treated as contituous random variables and how many as discrete random variables?

Answer :


2 continous random variable

1 discrete random variable

A fourth variable that cannot be treated as random.

Step-by-step explanation:

A continous random variable differs from a discrete variable in a few ways ; Continous random variables are usually uncountable as they can take up an infinite number of values within an interval. These variables may include those obtained by measurement such as height, weight, distance and so many other decimal yielding values. Discrete random variables in the other hand are countable and values can be obtained by counting as successive values are usually whole numbers.

In the scenario above ;

The weight of starfish and percentage area on the plot are continous variables while the number of starfish is discrete.

Whether or not plot is underway or midway between high and low tide isn't a random variable.