WORTH 50 POINTS PLS HURRY (question on the right of the ss)

To help develop the poem's meaning so as to portray her memories about her granddad. Cisneros has utilized comparison, which is a hyperbole, all through the sonnet. Cisneros has used simile, which is a figure of speech, throughout the poem. The main function of simile is to make a comparison to show the similarities between two different things. Moreover, simile is usually accompanied by words such as “as” and “like”. In the text, there are two examples of this figure of speech: “Abuelito who throws coins like rain” (line 1)/ “is the rain on the room that falls like coins” (line 21). Simile has helped the author develop the meaning of the poem, that is, to narrate about particular memories she has of her grandfather or “abuelito”, an affectionate term for a grandfather in Spanish. For instance, Cisneros used figurative language and simile in line 1 to describe how her grandfather played with her making coins fall like raindrops from above.