For each of the following, come up with a hypothesis to explain the given fact. Make sure your explanation is adequate, and indicate how you would tell whether the hypothesis is true.
1. When we spend a lot of time looking forward to something, and expect to enjoy it, we are often disappointed.
2. In midterm elections (those held midway through a president’s term), the president’s party usually loses seats in Congress.

Answer :


1. When we think a lot about an event in future which we are excite d about, our mind starts to expect something that is not going to happen in the basic nature of that event. Thus, we get disappointing. This happens because we started imagining something that is not even there and our expectations gets too high.

2. The mid term elections are usually done when the government is facing a severe issue and/or public is not happy with the government. Due to this negative image or any other such issues at that time, the ruling party usually loose their seats.