Translate from Latin to English

1. Cu*m Troianī fatigatissimī essent, eīs placuit in Carthagine manēre et quiescere.

2. Tamen, Iuppiter, rex deōrum, de caelō spectavit et, iratus, quod Aeneas fatō oblitus est.

3. Murcuriō missō, Aeneas dē fatō admonitus est.

4. Sed Dido omnia cognovit et Aeneam arcessit et inquit, "tune paravistī discedere clam?

5. Aeneas, commotus, inquit,"Iuppiter mē iussit Italiam petere ut novam Troiam petam."

6. Aeneas, sciens necesse est imperia deōrum perficere, Didonem reliquit et ad comitēs redivit.

7. Navibus paratīs, primā luce, Troianī vela dedērunt.

8. Dido, videns navēs Troianōrum, desperat.

9. Gladium cepit et, omnibus videntibus, pectus transfixit.

10. Interea Aeneas, ubi fumum viserat, miratus est quid hoc sit.

Answer :


1. cu*m of Trojan fatigatissimī (?) were they decided to stay in Carthage and to rest.

2. However, Jupiter, king of the gods, looked down from the sky and, angry that Aeneas destiny forgot.

3. Murcuriō(?)  Mass, Aeneas warned against fate.

4. But Dido and Aeneas, He wished to know everything, and he said, "then we have prepared to leave secretly?

5. Aeneas, angry, and said, "He ordered me to focus on Italy to seek new Troy."

6. Aeneas, knowing that it is the government itself was complete, Didonem left and returned to the elections.

7. Having ready at first light, the Trojans sail gave peace.

8. Dido navēs(?) saw the Trojans and despair.

9. The sword and took it all in sight of the breast.

10. Meanwhile Aeneas, where smoke viserat(?), wondering what this is.


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yours truly,

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