The chart below contains excerpts from several constitutional amendments.
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied... on account of race.
15th Amendment (1870)
The right of citizens of the United states to vote shall not be denied... on account of sex.
- 19th Amendment (1920)
The right of citizens of the United States to vote (in federal elections) shall not be reason
of failure to pay poll tax or other tax.
- 24th Amendment (1964)
The right of citizens of the United States to vote, who are eighteen years of age or older, shall not
be denied... on account of age.
- 26th Amendment
What was the primary purpose of the four amendments on this chart?
O the protect individual liberties from government interference
O to meet the demands of different groups to be enfranchised
O to ensure the smooth running of the United States government
O to strengthen the national security of the United States

Answer :

Answer: to meet the demands of different groups to be enfranchised


Even though the U.S. was founded to be a beacon of freedom, it ended up discriminating and disenfranchising certain groups of people such as black people and women.

As time went on however, some of these grievances were remedied by Constitutional Amendments which made it Unconstitutional and therefore illegal to disenfranchise these groups any longer. The above amendments are some of the aforementioned amendments that enfranchised these groups.