Recall a time when you were a teenager, attempting to convince your parents to allow you to join a group of
friends for a movie.

Which three of the following pieces of evidence are most effective in proving your case?

a. Mentioning an article from "Time" magazine that you read at school, highlighting the success of
teenagers allowed to spend time with their friends versus those who stayed home.

b. Arguing that your friends' parents are so much cooler because they allowed their kids to go.

c. Reminding your mom that you completed extra chores this week without being asked.

d. Arguing that there is safety in numbers.

e. Presenting a timeline of when and where you can be picked up and dropped off.

The author's purpose (your argument) in the previous scenario would be:

Answer :


C, D, and E


These three answers all allow you to show that you are responsible and are capable of planning ahead.