Grade Average Lab Assignment Purpose: The goal of this lab assignment is to learn how to use for loops and if/else commands. Write a program that will calculate a numeric average and a letter grade for a student. The main method creates an object of the Grades class that sends two parameters to the Grade class constructor: a student name and the grades to be averaged.

Answer :


//class to test the Grade class

public class GradeTest{

    public static void main(String []args){        

       //create the grades to be averaged

      double [] grades = {23, 45, 67, 12.6};


       //create an object of the Grade class and

       //pass in the necessary arguments to the constructor

       Grade grade = new Grade("John", grades);


       //print out the results from the Grade object.

       System.out.println("Your name is " + grade.getName());

       System.out.println("Your average score is " + grade.getAverage());

       System.out.println("Your letter grade is " + grade.getLetterGrade());



}  //End of the GradeTest class

//The Grade class

class Grade {


   //create instance variables

   private String name;

   private double [] grades;


   //constructor for the class

  public Grade(String name, double [] grades){


       //initialize the instance variables = name;

       this.grades = grades;




   //method to return the name of the student

  public String getName(){

       //return the name





   //method to calculate the average of the grades

  public double getAverage(){


       double [] grades = this.grades;


       //initialize some needed variables

       double sum = 0;

       double average = 0;


       //loop through the grades array and add each element to the sum variable

       for(int i =0; i < grades.length; i++){

           sum += grades[0];    



       //calculate the average

      average = sum / grades.length;


       //return the average grade

       return average;





   //method the calculate the letter grade from the average

   public char getLetterGrade(){


       //initialize some variables

      double average = this.getAverage();

       char letterGrade;


       //check the average and determine its corresponding letter grade

       if(average >= 40 && average < 45){

           letterGrade = 'E';


       else if(average >= 45 && average < 50){

           letterGrade = 'D';


       else if(average >= 50 && average < 60){

           letterGrade = 'C';


       else if(average >= 60 && average < 70){

           letterGrade = 'B';


       else if(average >= 70 && average <= 100){

           letterGrade = 'A';


       else {

           letterGrade = 'F';


       //return the letter grade

       return letterGrade;




}   //End of the Grade class

Sample Output:

Your name is John

Your average score is 23.0

Your letter grade is F


The code above is written in Java and it contains comments explaining important parts of the code. It also contains a sample output got from running the program. To run this on your machine, copy the code and save in a file named