Okay so last year I ran a mental health awareness club and we were supposed to have a Christmas party at my friend's house so I gave her my projector so she can set it up, later that day she canceled the party, I kept asking for it back constantly until we went on quartine, I still asked her but finally today she was like fine it's in my mailbox if someone steals it, it's not my problem, its considered abandonment of property. Can someone explain this to me and is considered abandonment of property if I kept asking her and she wouldnt give it to me and she didn't reachout at all. ( I have proof that she didn't reach out to me)

Answer :


So hello ok you at lest confront herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr then after that you should pull up to her house and get it but also take photos  of it  before touching it but if its gone then u should record microphone but put it somewhere she cant see it and tell her  its gone and tell her buy me another one if she refuse then you at least have evidence hope you get it back or its still there.
