Essay Task
Write a cohesive, logical essay in which you evaluate multiple perspectives on housing costs and affordable
housing. In your essay, be sure to:
• examine and assess the perspectives given
declare and explain your own perspective on the issue
• discuss the relationship between your perspective and those given
Your perspective may be in full or partial agreement, or in total disagreement, with any of the others.
Whatever the case, support your ideas with logical reasoning and detailed, persuasive examples.
Housing Costs
As the global population increases, the subject of affordable housing becomes an ever-greater concern for
many, Governments have taken a variety of approaches to tackling this issue, which have met with equally
various levels of success when it comes to ensuring access to reasonably priced homes. Some have
housing specifically for lower-income individuals, while others have chosen to implement voucher systems or
impose rent controls. Given the growing population around the world - all of whom need housing - it is
worthwhile to explore the implications of housing costs and what, if any, approach should be taken to make
affordable options available for everyone.
Read and carefully consider these perspectives. Each suggests a particular way of thinking about housing costs and
their affordability
Perspective One: A lack of affordable housing is almost always directly related to stagnating wages. While the
cost of living increases year after year, earnings do not keep up. As a result, the best way to make housing more
affordable is to find ways to increase pay.
Perspective Two: Finding ways to build smaller, more efficient, and more economical houses and apartments
can manage housing costs. Using innovation to drive down the costs of building and maintaining dwellings will
make it easier for people to find and secure affordable living situations.
Perspective Three: Housing costs are simply a product of a functioning free market. Like any commodity or
resource, the cost of buying or renting varies based on supply and demand. There will always be areas that have
cheaper housing and areas that are more expensive.
Plan and Write Your Essay
Consider the following as you compose your essay:
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the three perspectives provided?
• Identify the insights they present and what they fail to consider
• Ascertain why a given perspective might persuade or fail to persuade.
How can you apply your own experience, knowledge, and values?
• Express your perspective on the issue, identifying the perspective's strengths and weaknesses.
• Formulate a plan to support your perspective in your essay.