Answer :
It is beneficial to stand up for your beliefs because it builds your self confidence, it develops self respect and it helps to be independent. You should always stand up for yourself and your beliefs because in the long run it will only help. Some people don't stand up for their beliefs because maybe your beliefs are in the minority…but you don’t want to become an outcast as a result, however, you’re just letting others control what you think and believe.
Most people don't stand up for their beliefs because they feel someone will be mad or outcast them for it but it is right and easier to stand up for your beliefs. It will help you gain self confidence in the long run. It may be difficult at first, but the more we stand-up for ourselves, the more we build our self-confidence. It takes guts to risk losing a job, friends or opportunities because someone won’t like our opinion. However, the more you tap into your “guts,” the easier it gets, and the more confident you’ll become.
Another reason you should stand up for your beliefs is because it helps develop self respect and helps you become more independent. People will respect you more and you’ll even respect yourself more if you stand up for what you believe in. Would you respect someone who went against their own wishes and beliefs because it was popular? I wouldn’t so why do it yourself? Standing up for yourself helps build independence too because if you don't stand up for yourself, how do you expect others to? And second, the person who you should always be able to count on to stand up for you, no matter what, is yourself. What this means is that the more you stand-up for your beliefs, the less you will rely on others to validate them. You’ll reinforce your independence and ability to stand on your own two feet without anyone else to support you.
Standing up for yourself isn’t easy but it’s the right thing to do. If someone tells you you’re wrong, that’s okay, keep going on about your day and don't let them bother you. Your beliefs are not wrong. If you believe in it, you can achieve it, if you believe something is possible, that’s not wrong.
Some people think standing up for yourself is snobby and rude but its not. Standing up for yourself and your beliefs is very independent and amazing. It gives you a sense of self dependency and self respect. Some people also don't stand up for themselves because they think “what if i lose my friends?” if your friends are really your friends, they’ll respect your wishes and beliefs. In conclusion, standing up for yourself is beneficial because you gain independence, self dependency, self respect and many more positive aspects.