Take a look at the World POPClock where you can compare the ever changing world population with years gone by. The current world population is over 7 billion people. Do you believe that the U.S. should be concerned about overpopulation and that immediate action is warranted, or do you believe that the risks of overpopulation have been grossly overstated? What about other parts of the world? List at least one source from your research.

Answer :


I believe that the U.S. should be concerned about overpopulation and that immediate action is warranted.


Yes, I believe that the U.S. should be concerned about overpopulation and that immediate action is warranted because with the increase in population more space is required for their living and more food is needed to feed them. There are many organizations of United Nation and NGOs work in order to control the population of the world by producing awareness in the people. The United states of America should provide funds to these organization and NGOs in order to produce the awareness about population control.