Answer :
The bio mass energy is Better alternative source of energy in the context of Nepal because Nepal is an agro-based country . Nepal is fully dependent on agriculture from which we can produce bio mass and from bio-mass , bio-mass energy .
hope it is helpful to you
[tex] \huge \bold \pink{question}[/tex]
justify with reason that the bio mass energy is Better alternative source of energy in the context of Nepal.
[tex] \huge \bold \green{answer}[/tex]
Reduction in chemical fertilizer use. Along with methane gas, biogas digester produces organic fertilizer that is high in nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus contents. This organic form of fertilizer can be used in farmlands as an alternative to chemical fertilizers. Chemical fertilizers are usually imported in Nepal.
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[tex] \bold \orange{know \: more :-}[/tex]
- The Nepal flag is the only national flag that is not quadrilateral in shape.
- The abominable snowman, also known as the yeti, is a legendary apelike creature that is believed to frequent the high valleys of Nepal.
- Namaste is the standard greeting in Nepal.
- Nepal is one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
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[tex] \bold \red{TheExtraterrestrial}[/tex]