Answer :
- 1. Identifies the subject and predicate of the following sentences. If there is an implied subject indicate which grammatical person corresponds to. Has Miguel given you the phone? B. Alice c told you. They're going to announce the names of the d winners. He found his attitude strange. They listened carefully to his tips 2. Identify the subject of these holders and classify it according to the two criteria studied 1 2 3 4 3. You classify the following transitive and intransitive sentences to. They sold all tickets b. Baby cries all night c. Miguel has a little more d juice. Suddenly the fog came 4. Locate a sentence of the required type that maintains meaning and consistency with the theme The Film is a clear and direct story of Batman; but it's also a film with references to the character's past in film and tv. Batman ____________________________ The Lego Batman Movie portrays Batman as a superhero ____________________ (transitive prayer) 5. Locates the subject and predicate of these sentences and indicates whether they are active or passive to. Books received b have been catalogued. The singer was effusively applauded c. The guys have been very friendly 6. Complete the following sentences composed a. I'm amazed at his attitude because... • "b We'll eat at home and ....