Select the correct answer.
The number of motor vehicle fatalities in the United States for the years 2010 and 2011 are listed in the table below. Which conclusion is true based on the mean fatalities for the two years?

MONTH 2010 2011

January 2,290 2,365
February 2,016 2,912
March 2,423 3,011
April 2,777 2,638
May 2,934 2,459
June 2,795 2,154
July 3,095 2,268
August 3,083 2,750
September 3,024 2,545
October 3,056 2,323
November 2,795 2,741
December 2,597 2,912

A. The variability in the monthly fatalities in 2011 is generally higher than in 2010.
B. The variability in the monthly fatalities in 2010 is equal to the variability in 2011.
C. The monthly fatalities in 2011 are generally higher than 2010.
D. The monthly fatalities in 2010 are generally higher than 2011.
E. The monthly fatalities in 2010 are approximately the same as in 2011.

Answer :

The monthly fatalities in 2010 are generally higher than in 2011.

What is the mean of a set of numbers?

Mean is a measure of central tendency.  It is the average of a set of numbers. It is determined by adding the numbers together and dividing them by the total number.

Mean = sum of the numbers / total number

Mean number of fatalities in 2010 = (2290 + 2016 + 2423 + 2777+ 2934 + 2795 + 3095 + 2083 + 3024 + 3056 + 2795 + 2597) / 12 = 2740.42

Mean number of fatalities in 2011 = (2365 + 2912 + 3011 + 2638 + 2459 + 2154 + 2268 + 2750 + 2545 + 2323 + 2741 + 2912) / 12 = 2589.83

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