Before the children had time to shake hands with the old gentleman, Snap darted forward and sprang upon him eagerly-not barking or sniffing round his feet and ankles, as he usually did to strangers, making them feel as if he were looking out for a nice place for a bite, but jumping up and throwing himself upon him with little yelps of delight, behaving, indeed, just as he always did if he thought anyone was going to take him for a walk. And what do you think the old gentleman said? He said: "Down Snap, down Snap!" rather crossly and in a voice that the children knew quite well; and almost before they had time to think how funny it was that he should know their dog's name, or, indeed, to wonder about anything at all, Snap made another frantic leap, and seizing hold of the old gentleman's white beard, dragged it off his chin, and darted off round the table with it in his mouth, shaking it as if it were a rabbit or a rat! "Philip! Oh, Philip!" cried the children. And Philip it was, naughty Philip, who had dressed himself up that wet afternoon to pretend that he was the foreign gentleman from the Grange; and, indeed, he had taken them all in finely. "Oh, Philip! Philip! Why didn't I guess who you were?" cried Mary, as her brother leant back laughing against the sofa-cushions. (from The Gap in the Fence by Fredrica, Turle) Based on the passage, which word best describes Philip?
1. awkward
2. mean
3. mysterious
4. playful​

Answer :

Answer: I am going to say that the answer is number 4.

Explanation: I say that it is 4 because after all Philip is playing a joke on them in the first place which means he like to play and do jokes.