Answer :
I'm not mhanifa, but I am also really good at math (i'm in accelerated math rn) so I will try to help too.
Step-by-step explanation:
My tips:
1. Try to focus on formula's not small things like answers or definitions (they are still important but be more focused on formulas), this will really help you when you need to solve eqautions.
2. Don't over-study. Basically don't overload yourself with information, focus on the major things, if you overload yourself, you may not remember everything, and that would not be very helpful at all.
3. Don't try to study the things you are good at, study the things you struggle with, this will help you ALOT.
4. Take your time, you don't want to mess up because you are rushing, and you know math is really annoying and you can get the answer wrong for one incorrect calculation.
5. Get your sleep, this is very important
I hope this helps!! good luck on your EOG!!!!!!