write a story that ends with i woke up in my bed at home

Answer :


It was the middle of the night. I had just woken up for some strange reason. I checked my watch. 12:00 am it read. I looked out of my bedroom window and saw the moon shining silver against the deep, damp, dark night sky. Suddenly, a strange shape, glinting golden in the marvellous moonlight, moved in front of the moon, blocking it completely out of view. It slowly descended and hovered over our lawn. Then I saw a mysterious man that jumped off and put a pink parcel on our sir walter buffalo lawn.  

I hopped out of bed, and as I did, the strange shape flew away. Something seemed to be calling me towards the pink parcel. Slowly, I moved out of my messy room, and started stepping down the stairs. It was as if a ghost had grabbed me by the hand and was tugging me along.

Outside, it was dark and cold.  

I moved slowly towards the package, picked it up and opened it. Inside there was a little device. I sat down on the wet, green grass and started to fiddle with it. I opened it and turned the disc that was inside. Numbers and letters started appearing. I moved my hand towards the knob at the end. I pressed it and suddenly I was surrounded by people on a beach dressed in grass skirts and with flowers around their necks. They treated me like a queen! I thought I might stay there forever. I was enjoying myself so much when a bright light shone on me.

I woke up in my bed with the sunlight streaming through the window. I looked out of my bedroom window and saw a strange man putting a pink parcel on our lawn. I went downstairs and opened the door.

When I was outside, the man had gone. I picked up the parcel and opened it. Inside was something wrapped in wispy white wrapping paper. On the front it said ‘TO ANNA’ in big bold capital letters. I opened it and screamed with delight. It was a new book from my favourite series, The Menace. I remembered then that it was my birthday and we were going to Hawaii to celebrate. Oh dream, here we come, I thought. It was the perfect start to the perfect day
