Hey guys, so earlier today i ask ya'll how to get my crush to notice me and mostly everyone said to like be her friend and like ask her to hang out and to shoot my shot. So now my question is "should i still tell her i like her if she's my best friend?"

Answer :

Yess you just got to risk it cuz if you don’t then you’ll regret it after wards and it’s going to eat you after wards so just tell her and give her time and If it goes wrong then ask her if y’all could still be friends
Yes, if you don’t ask now you may never know if she likes you or not.
A few years ago I had a crush on this person who I now think liked me back. Me and this person were friends but never told each other. We are still kind of friends but no where near as close. Maybe if one of would have said something back then we would not be where we are today. So if you don’t tell them now you might just end up drifting apart