“Cómalo” is directed toward:
a friend
a group of friends (Spain)
a person in a position of respect
a group of people in a position of respect

“No se vayan” is directed toward:
a friend
a group of friends
a person in a position of respect
a group of people in a position of respect

Which of the following commands is informal?
Pon la mesa
Ponga la mesa
Pongan la mesa
Ponguen la mesa
Which of the following is an informal command?
No haa eso.
No seas malo.
Escriba la carta.
Habl conmigo.

“Encima de” means:
on top of
next to
Which is correct spelling of the word “ne-ve-ra” (the stressed syllable is highlighted)?

Answer :

Queue uwu es no se puede hacer un poco más si yyyyyuio ono que pasi no ha dado el pepe al número uno a los de los dos y el