The text messages conversation must:

have a total of 10 text messages, each at least two complete sentences
describe the differences in the daily lives of upper class and lower class citizens
describe the opportunities for children in general in Rome
compare how life differed for female and male children in Rome
explain the effect of social status on one’s future in the Roman Republic
13 points for correct answer. please give a true answer and not some link or image.

Answer :



Not that had bud

The upper‐upper class is more prestigious than the lower‐upper class. Wherever their money comes from, both segments of the upper class are exceptionally rich. Both groups have more money than they could possibly spend, which leaves them with much leisure time for cultivating a variety of interests.Children in Ancient Rome were usually reared by their mothers until they reached age of seven. After that they accompanied their fathers who taught them to be farmers, craftsmen or soldiers. Children from wealthy families usually went to school and were taught how to read and write.Children of wealthy families in ancient Rome usually started school when they were seven years old. Boys stayed at school longer than girls and learned different things. For example, girls who went to school learned how to spin, weave, cook, and clean so they would be able to care for a house when they were married.It depends on what your parent's social status is. Like if your parents are carpenters then you will become a Carpenter.