Complete the following outline on the duckbill platypus by selecting topics and subtopics from the list. Capitalize correctly.

Digs a den Blind until four months old
Has a bill like a duck Holds eggs closely to chest, rolls into a ball until hatched
Lays two or three eggs Has no fur until two months old
Has grayish-brown fur Has webbed feet
How a duckbill platypus lays her eggs Is friendly and playful
What a baby platypus is like Born with strange little bills
I. How a Duckbill Platypus Looks A. B. C. Has a flattened tail D. II. A. B. C. Seals them together D. III. A. B. C. D.

Answer :

I. How a Duckbill Platypus Looks  

    A. has a bill like a duck

    B. has grayish-brownish fur

    C. has a flattened tail  

    D.  has webbed feet

II. How a Duckbill Platypus lays her eggs

    A. digs a den

    B. holds eggs closely to chest, rolls into a ball until hatched

    C. seals them together  

    D.  lays two or three eggs

III. What a Baby Platypus is Like

    A. born with strange little bills

    B. has no fur until two months old

    C.  blind until four months old  

    D. is friendly and playful