Answer :
Solution :
From : Department Manager
Date : 01 May 2021
Subject : Improvement of Performance
This is to inform you that I have lately noticed that you have not able to meet the goal for the last 6 months and your average is average. I see that you are an excellent worker and have doing good but lately your performance level is not up to the mark. Also you are not punctual at your job which may hamper your appraisal or your incentives.
So going forward, I would like to ask you to be regular to work and work effectively for your overall growth. I would suggest you to be on time at work at complete your daily task for the day to achieve your targets. Your can also seta goal for the day so that your targets are achieved.
You are a true asset to the organization and we believed that your efforts will help you to grow and learn more.
I have attached a file which shows your performance for the last 6 months and also a feedback on how to improve.
Revert if there is any query.
Best Regards
Department Manager