10. Refer to p. 484 of your textbook. In sex-linked heredity, the characteristic gene is found on the X
(sex) chromosomes; therefore, it is inherited along with the sex of the individual. Hemophilia (X") is
the result of a recessive sex-linked allele. A carrier has one recessive allele for hemophilia; therefore,
she does not have hemophilia but can pass it on. If a normal male marries a carrier, what is the
probability that they will produce a male child who will be a hemophiliac? What is the probability
that they will produce a female child who will have the disease? What is the probability that they
will have a daughter who is a carrier?

Answer :


they have a chance of 25% of producing a male child who will be haemophiliac.


0% of producing a female child who will have haemophilia

25% of having a daughter who is a carrier