In the 19th century, the agricultural revolution increased food production while the industrial revolution improved methods of
transporting food and other good additionally, advances in medicine, sanitation and nutrition have decreased the death rates further.
These factors combined to produce the rapid growth of the human population today. Yet other factors impact population demographics:
they include economic, political, religious conditions as well as resource availability.
Consider the demographics for two countries: one with a low-income, almost impoverished population; they other an economically well-off
country. What factors listed would contribute to the decline in birth rate and the larger +75 population in the high income country? Check all
that might apply.
Females have access to educational resources
Better nutrition: increased food supplies and distribution
There has been widespread emigration during the last few decades
Inadequate health care for women during pregnancy and for their babies after birth
A high incidence of infectious disease
Good sanitation and personal hygiene