“Margaret, the eldest of the four, was sixteen, and very pretty, being plump and fair, with large eyes, plenty of soft brown hair, a sweet mouth, and white hands, of which she was rather vain. Fifteen-year-old Jo was very tall, thin, and brown, and reminded one of a colt … Elizabeth, or Beth, as everyone called her, was a rosy, smooth-haired, bright-eyed girl of thirteen, with a shy manner, a timid voice, and a peaceful expression, which was seldom disturbed … “ - Little Women *
10 points
1st person
2nd person
3rd person objective
3rd person limited
3rd person omniscient

Answer :


3rd person limited


Third person limited point of view (or POV) is a narration style that gives the perspective of a single character.

Ok, so I’m going to go with 3rd Person Limited!

Why? Because this story is being told through the eyes of a single character, and they can only reveal the thoughts, feelings, and understanding of a single character. You can look this up and compare to this reading.

Hope this helps, and have an amazing day! :))