The poet is addressing to the current generation i.e. gen z or the millennials, the last line caught my attention and the problem in inevitable, it can be reduced a bit by educated about it in school.
What is the poetic idea behind “Lost Generation”?
The poet is addressing to the current generation, i.e. gen z or the millennials, but it could be possible he is addressing to all the generation.
The last line caught my attention as the poet starts the poem with a pessimistic view but if we read the poem backwards the message of the poem become more powerful it destroys the cynical manner. By last line he ends the poem in a positive note that this all effect can be changed if we reverse all the things and the mind set.
The situation can not be avoided as we all are facing it. As work has replaced the importance of family. Situational awareness could help a bit. The only measure taken to reverse the current situation is by educating the younger generation in school the about the work-life balance and by curbing some capitalist corruption of our generation.
Therefore, the poet is referring to the current generation, the last line caught my attention and problem in inevitable, it can be reduced a bit by educated about it in school.
Learn more about poetic idea behind “Lost Generation”: