To change thier votes to support the amnedment some congressmen were offered high-paying government jobs once they have left the house or jobs for thir friends or relatives

Answer :




Abraham Lincoln was considered as one the greatest Presidents America had ever had. He was the 16th President that served the nation. He wanted to put an end to the slavery system in the USA permanently. He helped to put an end to slavery in America. He achieved this by passing the 13th Amendment by pushing and convincing the Congress before the Civil war ends.

Lincoln called for the individual congressmen to met them trying to convince them to vote for the amendment in the house. He acted friendly and politely to them. He also asked his allies to convince their colleagues in the house. Lincoln even offered the Congressmen some high paying jobs in the government upon their retirement from the house or jobs for their families and friends. Thus Lincoln succeeded in passing the 13th amendment to the constitution in the house which puts an end to the slavery in America.