Cells in avleoli and their functions
Diseases of the respiratory tract
Contraction and relaxation of respiratory muscle and their role in expiration and inspiration.
Pathway of gas to and from alveoli
Chemical reaction of carbon dioxides bicarbonate and proton
Composition of blood and function of each component/cell.
Conductivity of cardiac muscle cells: all channels involved in releasing ions into and out of the cell.
Pathway of blood flow, valves, compartments.
Blood typing: antibodies, antigens, agglutination (like lab)
Conducting system of the heart: SA, AV etc.
Mean Arterial Pressure = CO x PR
CO = SV x HR
Venous blood flow
PQRST waves of an ECG, the illustration showing changes in ventricular volumen and pressure in relation to the ECG
Extrinsic vs intrinsic regulation of the heart.
Movement of ions into/out of cardiac cells that allow for automaticity (depolariation/repolarization) atropine vs propanolol effect on heart rate
What happens in each region of the nephron
The functions of hormones and enzymes we covered on function of kidney (ADH, aldosterone, Renin, Angiotensin etc)
Autoregulation of kidneys and how they function
Effects of GFR rising or falling