If you want to form a strong relationship with your dog, try playing fetch. It’s fun and easy to do, and if everything goes well your dog should do most of the fetching. Just find something that your dog wants to retrieve, such as a stick, a thick rope tied in knots, or a squeaky toy. Show it to your dog to get his or her interest. Shake it around in your hand and call out the dog’s name. Once they are paying attention, throw the object as far as you can. Be careful not to throw it anywhere that you wouldn’t want your dog to go, like the middle of the road or under a china cabinet. Hopefully your dog will bring the object back to you. When he or she does, praise your dog and command him or her to drop the object. Pick it up and repeat the process for the next 10 to 15 years.

What is the text structure?

a Compare and Contrast
b Cause and Effect
c Problem Solution
d Chronological
e Sequence