Answer :
In such a competitive society and the world, none of us can survive without money. We require funding to meet our basic needs, such as buying food, and other basic necessities of life, which are absolutely impossible to buy without money. Those people who are wealthy and have wealth in society, are considered respected and respected in society, however, a poor person is seen with a view of hatred of no good spirit.
Money enhances man's dignity in society and creates a good image of it. We all want to be rich by earning more money through all business, good jobs, good business, etc. so that we can meet the growing needs of modern times. However, very few people get the opportunity to fulfill their dream of becoming millionaires. Therefore, wealth is an object that holds significance throughout life. Money is needed for everyone, whether it is poor or rich and urban, or rural areas. People living in urban areas earn more money than people living in rural areas because people of urban areas are very easy to access technology and they have more sources, which increases their ability to earn money. Due to this, people of rural areas are lagging behind in development and urban areas become more developed.