IBIYINKA017GO IBIYINKA017GO Computers and Technology Answered L & G Corporation Incorporation is a steel manufacturing company in Fontana, California. L & G Corporation has utilized manual record to keep their employee records throughout their existence. Recently the managing team has elected to automate their employee record keeping system, thereby replacing the old paper method for a computer-based record keeping system using Access Database or Excel. L & G Corporation Inc. has recently published a request for Proposal from experienced information technology organizations with a track record in the area. Interested organizations must respond to L & G corporation Inc. by the middle of April 21, 2020. To properly compete for the contract, all respondents must: 1. Write a brief response to the L & G Corporation Request for proposal (RFP). Indicate cost and time necessary to complete the project. 2. If your proposal is accepted, you will design and present your plan to L & G Corporation Inc. at a set date. 3. The final presentation, delivery, and implementation of the finished product to L & G Corporation Inc. 4. L & G Corporation Inc. will prefer the new record system designed using Access or Excel because they already have a license for software. You project will include at least 100 employee record, with their Employee name, EMP ID, Hours Worked, Pay rate, Gross Pay, Fed Tax, State Tax and Net Pay