Directions: You will create a word document in which you write a scary story. Be sure it is an ORIGINAL story. It can be an expansion of the post you did about a time you were scared, or you can just make up a story.
***Here are the rules:
1. The story must be original. You cannot rewrite the plot of a movie you saw or a story you read. See me if you need help getting started. IF YOU PLAGIARIZE, I WILL KNOW AND YOUR GRADE WILL BE A ZERO!!!
2. The story must be word-processed and uploaded into text box below. It cannot be handwritten or composed in notes on on your phone. This is a formal document.
3. You must use MLA format--see notes in introductory module. You will lose points if it does not have the following:
a. MLA header and pagination
b. Times New Roman size 12 font
c. Double space between the lines
4. Your story must have a title
5. Your story must have the elements of narrative writing:
a. description and details
a. plot
b. characters
c. dialogue
d. description, details
e. a setting
f. a theme or main idea
6. Your story must be at least two full pages in length.