Answer :
1. Y-intercept b=5
That means it has a 5.00 starting fee.
2. Using the formula (Y2-Y1)/(X2-X1) we will find the slope between the two points.
Point one (X1 and Y1) will be the Y-intercept.
X1,Y1 = (0, 5.00)
Point 2 (X2 and Y2) will be the point on the trend line.
X2, Y2 = (200, 6.00)
Plug in:
(6.00 - 5.00)/(200 - 0) = 00.5 or 1/200.
3. When printing 200 pages each page will cost $.005.
4. .005x+5
5. .005x+5
good luck♡♡!!